Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The City and Its Savior

No matter what the extent of your love of comic books is if anybody says Gotham City one person comes to mine: Batman. Batman has been influential in the formation of Gotham City since he was born. He uses both of his identities to ensure the safety and growth of Gotham. As Bruce Wayne, he uses his monetary influence to keep the city afloat financially. But as Batman, Bruce is able to protect his city from harm and wrong doing. In turn, Gotham takes care of Batman giving him an innumerable amount of villains to prosecute and giving him a stable home to fight crime. Gotham City could not function without Batman and Batman could not function without Gotham City: it is a two-way road.

Bruce Wayne was born into a wealthy and powerful family in Gotham. His father was a wealthy physician and his mother was a stay-at-home mom. After witnessing his parent’s death at such a young age, Wayne is influenced to fight crime in the city and to rid it of its evil. Throughout his adult life Wayne builds his reputation as an industrialist, becoming the main source of economic power in Gotham. He builds his company into a monopoly in the power industry, essentially controlling all of Gotham. Wayne’s economic power is only out done by his playboy attitude. Wayne is a celebrity in the city and is known by all. Wayne can use his economic power to influence the media and the way he is perceived by the citizens of Gotham. Although he is seen by most as a superficial playboy, he actually contributes a lot to Gotham through his charitable work. Wayne uses his playboy image to help hide is identity as Batman; hoping that people will stay out f his business since he seems to be a prick in real life. With a sense of privacy from the public, Wayne is able to keep under the wraps whilst he protects the city from evil as Batman. Without Wayne, Batman would not exist because Batman’s powers are derived from Wayne. Therefore Wayne and Batman coexist as one. Without Wayne, Batman would not be and vice versa. Wayne is what holds Gotham together from a financial standpoint. From 9 am to 5 pm, on a working day Wayne is the one that runs the city through his financial and economic power.

After the working day ends and the sun sets, Batman reigns over the city. Batman is the bodyguard for Gotham. He is normally depicting sitting atop a high-rise building on the edge just listening intently to the world below him. He is the definition of a watchdog, waiting for his moment to strike the trespasser on the streets of Gotham. Batman is an interesting character to analyze. Since he has no superpowers it seems that he would be useless as a superhero. But Wayne’ experiences in Gotham have shaped him into an intimidating creature. He has seen the evil that lurks around the corners of Gotham and he has devised ways t defeat this evil where most normal men would fail. The evils of Gotham have formed Bruce Wayne, a normal man, into becoming the Dark Knight. He takes his bad experiences in Gotham and uses them to motivate him to do good things for the city. He acknowledges the evil in the city and fights to minimize it and do away with it. The city has helped shape Batman into the type of superhero that he is.

Gotham City is like any other metropolis city in America. It contains high-rise buildings and an economic infrastructure that influence the way people live. Gotham contains people from all economic status from the very rich to the very poor. The mix of people leads to the high crime rate. The high crime rate then leads to the need for a leader. Gotham is constantly under attack from evil-doers and is always seeking a hero. This need for a leader is what drives Wayne to help the city. If the city was a blissful paradise there would be no need for criminal justice. Gotham needs Batman just as much as Batman needs Gotham. Therefore, they coexist in a society that if one were to fall, the other would not be able to exist on its own.

Gotham and Batman are one in the same. Without Gotham City, Batman would have nowhere to live, and nowhere to protect. But without Batman, Gotham City would just be another regular city torn apart by crime. Their relationship is like a computer. A computer has two main parts, its screen and the tower. Without each other the computer is not whole but as separate parts they can still function individually. But it is not until they are whole that the picture can be drawn. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the city and the man. Both rely on each other so much that it is impossible for them to coexist without each other. Batman needs Gotham City for a source of a job and a need for a lifestyle. Coincidently, Gotham City needs Batman to protect it from all the evil that embodies it.


defrancobc said...

This is very well written. It is nice to see you take a different point of view by using a fictional chacracter. I really enjoyed this post.

Sam said...

Wow! that was a great essay. I like Batman to and I thought you did a great job of tying his story in with your point.

buckleyj1 said...

Very creative. I only thought of writing about fictional characters as a joke, but it worked out really well. You make a great point. This is a prime example of the topic.

shaffoj said...

You did a great job tying your argument together. I thought it was very well written and creative. I enjoeyed this writing.

Jorge said...

absolutely amazing choice for a person and place. was bruces dad really a doctor or did he also start wanye enterprises and i watched the cartoon alot, was it anything like the comics?

Liann said...

Creative. I would say you are totally right, no gotham city without batman and vice versa. The writing and topic were great.