Sunday, October 26, 2008

Man's Best Friend

Man and animal have coexisted on the face of the planet since the dawn of time, but yet some animals have become increasingly more attached to people than others. Take for example, dogs. Over the years, man’s best friend has found a spot in the hearts of people all across the world. Nowadays, it is customary for a family to have one or more dogs. So why has the dogs evolved to become the quintessential household pet? Does it have to do with their companionship, their friendliness, or just sheer luck? I say the former. A dog can be anything from an extra playmate to an extra family member. But, the most important aspect of the relationship between man and dog is the steadfast love that a dog will show, no matter the situation.

My family has had at least one dog my entire life. I have been more attached to some than others. Our newest addition to the family, Diesel, is a six-month-old Alaskan malamute and husky mix. To say he is adorable would be an understatement. When my oldest dog, Whoopi passed away, it was my turn to pick out a new dog. Little did I know that the dog would pick me. As my mom and I walked through the kennel, we reached the last cage. In the back corner was Diesel, licking his paws and just smiling. I whistled at him and immediately he jumped up ran to the cage and starting licking my hand. I knew at that exact moment that he was the dog I wanted. There was undeniable connection between Diesel and my family. Although we had never met, the animal could show such love and adoration towards us, that we could do nothing but treat him like another member of our family. We proceeded to take Diesel back to our home to introduce him to his new life. Without hesitation he complied, knowing that he was better off with us then at the kennel. It struck me as odd that an animal with such small mental capacity, in comparison to man, could have such an easy time trusting someone he just met. But Diesel complied and his trust and love for us has grown exponentially since then.

Personally, I see dogs as a comfort zone for people. No matter what the situation, a bad day at work or a horrible breakup, your dog will always be waiting for you at home tail wagging waiting to greet you with a huge smile. They are oblivious to the atrocities of life, but they still keep you happy. Dogs are the ultimate friends. In a sense, the relationship man has with dogs is what man looks for in each of his human relationships. Dogs exude all the traits that people look for in friends. They are the epitome of trust, companionship, and love. The connections that man and animal can make with one another in such a short time are quite amazing. When I was asked to write about an experience I had with an animal I coulodn't specifically pick out one true experince, but instead I found out that all my time spent with my dog what worth writing about. Dogs can evoke emotions from their owners that are unique to the realationships they have with their master. Having a connection with a dog is something that almost anyone is capable of gaining but it truly hard to grasp what that connection entails until you experience it.

1 comment:

Samantha Grahn said...

I agree with you 110% dogs are amazing companions. Overall very good paper! I enjoyed the paper and makes me think about my dogs!